Monday, December 04, 2006

Thoughts from the last week

The first thing I wanted to comment on was the end of the Spirit Squad. What a waste, they came in with a boom and now they've been sent out mercifully, hopefully this isn't the last we'll see of them. It seemed like WWE just gave up on them too fast, then de-pushed them to the point were there was no way to save them. The got rid of the break-up angle, jobbed them out to a bunch of old guys to hear a few cheers at the start of a show. I feel like WWE is afraid to push anyone, they're in a catch-22. They don;t want to push any young guys who haven't paid their dues, but they can't make stars out of guys who they've made look like jobbers for years.

Hopefully when Ric Flair comes back they'll have a nice plan or angle to re-introduce him with a bang, maybe they can't plan it because they don;t know how long his divorce will take, but they could definitely capitalize.

I still don;t get the whole CM Punk thing.

Kelly Kelly may be the biggest star in all of ECW right now, especially if big show has to take some time off.

I know I'm in the minority here, especially among internet fans, but I love the whole Voodoo King Mafia angle. They're cool enough for me, I still like Mr. Ass.

I'm definitely hoping that The Hardys vs. MNM feud is just a beginning and they'll have other teams built up to bring in as the next challenger to the thrown of best tag team in WWE.

Bobby Lashley is apparently the new ECW champion, I think ECW needs a whole new dircetion. they should just kinda let ECW do its own thing then pluck any stars who are ready for primetime, just like they did when it was independent of WWE.

I wanna wish the best of luck to Lita, she deserved better than she got the last couple years, hopefully she'll find a better outlet than she did in the WWE, either in wrestling or in a new profession.

That's all,


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